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What's Cookin' presented by Sue Hadfield, is a show in which Sue shares her love of cooking and all things food. Bringing you favourite recipes and tasty treats, plus handy hints and tips.
What's Cookin' can be heard on
The Global Voice
on the 4th Friday of every month from 17:30 to 18:00 UTC and is repeated the following Saturday at 06:30 UTC and Monday at 16:30 UTC.
Many of the recipes featured on the show can be found on
The What's Cookin' recipes page
and will always be there for you to use, or refer to.
You can also send your recipes, questions and comments to
If you can't listen to the show when it airs, you can always hear the show at a time to suit you by
Listening to the What's Cookin' archives
You can also take What's Cookin' anywhere with you, on your iPhone, MP3 or other music player, by
Subscribing to the What's Cookin' podcast
So, join me on the 4th Friday of every month from 17:30 to 18:00 UTC, or listen to the archives and/or podcast. Do tell all your friends to listen in too, they won't wanna miss it!
Times are always given in UTC, (universal Time Code). UTC and GMT are the same.
To see information about all the other shows brought to you on The Global Voice, visit their Web site and
View The Global Voice Schedule
for full details.
Return to home page What's Cookin' Recipes featured on What's Cookin' Listen to the Wally World Wide, Take 5! and What's Cookin' show Subscribe to the Wally World Wide, Take 5! and What's Cookin' podcasts View The Global Voice Schedule Return to The Global Voice Home page Email us back to top
Last updated 13 February 2012
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